Thursday 21 September 2017

Software that will improve Construction Safety

Software that will improve Construction Safety

The construction industry is in a constantly changing. With new rules, regulations, risks and safety standards, it can be a tough task to keep up with the changes to comply with all the various regulations. Agile organizations that embrace change and use software for construction safety are finding they have a competitive edge.

If your business is still to lagging in using construction safety software, it is not too late to start. Improve construction safety with checklists and risk assessments. The reality is that software can help
you manage quality and safety processes with more efficiency and accuracy, delivering a return on investment via lower costs and claims. Before you choose software, consider what features you need or your

 Integration with your current software

uses different software tools for project management. Look for software that integrates or replaces your current software. Construction safety should be an integral part of project management. Using software helps
to provide transparency about how construction projects are progressing. It helps you identify and take action to avert potential problems before they occur. This saves money and time.

 Tracks workplace incidents

The construction industry has a high level of workplace injury. It can be a dangerous place to work. This means there is always an accident waiting to happen as workers go about their work on a job if everyone is not alert. It is vital you record health and safety incidents issues immediately. Record them within your construction safety software using a smartphone from the job. These records can be important for future risk
planning or proof of legislative compliance.

 Provides team mobility

Good construction safety software will supply access to iPhone and Android apps for your team to use on the go. This allows team access to the system no matter where you are. Make sure the software you choose is
versatile enough no matter what operating system you all use.


Customization of Project software

No two organizations are alike or have the same needs. This means construction project software must  allow for customization to meet individual organizational needs. There is no point investing in software you cannot adapt to your specific needs. This includes reporting and processes as well as tracking and recording all construction projects.

 Easy access to forms

The construction industry has many forms to fill out. From budget and project updates to safety protocols and contracts, it is often vital to access them on the spot. Make sure the software has easy access to these from wherever you are.



Access to mobile signatures

While on the topic of easy access, make sure your software gives you the ability to sign documents from wherever you are. This will speed up the efficiency of your business. It will also make the workplace safer as decisions are made on the go based on real-time data.

 Ability to record voice to text

It is important for construction safety software to have the ability to convert voice to text. This gives you the ability to record things like safety issues or incidents in real-time using a smartphone. This allows you to continue working hands free.

 Records staff training and certifications

If you have more than a few employees, it can be difficult keeping up with their training and certifications. This is a vital to your business. You must comply with local, state and federal health and safety legislation. Software that can store staff training and certification
records will send out notifications so everyone meets their deadlines. It will also have the ability to view these as reports to see how each staff member is progressing along their learning path.
These are just some of the features to consider when buying software to help you keep construction safety at work. Talk to the specialists for expert advice on the best software to meet your needs

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Lean construction scheduling

Scheduling is an important part of project management in construction. It is a list of project milestones, activities and deliverables with start and end dates. These are based on other information in the schedule. This includes budgets, resource allocation and activity timelines. It will also list links to dependencies and scheduled events. Elements in the project schedule are usually based on the work breakdown structure for the whole project.
Keeping a construction project on track is the difference between finishing a project on time and making a profit, or not. Lean construction scheduling is a way to design processes and procedures to minimize waste in the workplace to maximize value. Schedules detail each construction activity for the project team and how long it should take to complete each one. Lean construction scheduling is vital to all parts of the daily management and reporting process of a project's status. It helps reduce all forms of waste in the construction process.

Forms of construction waste
There is always a risk of waste during a construction project so using lean construction scheduling helps organizations plan to avoid waste of money, resources and manpower. Forms of construction waste include:
  • time – looking for things, ordering materials, etc
  • transport – materials handling, deliveries, etc
  • staff downtime – waiting for instructions, information and deliveries, etc
  • rework and corrections – correcting poor or incorrect work and updating plans
  • overproduction – producing more than ordered
  • inventory – too much or too little stock on hand
  • over processing – doing more than the client can pay for.

Benefits of lean construction scheduling

Using lean construction scheduling adds value to the process of constructing a building. It will also help to uncover where there is wasted time and staff potential in the process.
Schedules keep the work on track and you can see how the project works are progressing. This can be important as there may be penalties for meeting milestones late. Meeting milestones late will not be good for your reputation. Benefits of lean construction scheduling includes:
  • Making it possible to move a project through the critical path of activities of the construction process.
  • Means it is easy to change priorities for activities and resources when the need arises. This reduces the peak demand for resources. It eliminates standing down other resources and bringing them back later at an extra cost.
  • Showing clear team goals and milestones. It also shows the path of how to meet them on time. The schedule will give the team a pathway to follow to achieve those milestones on time. A schedule defines the sequence of activities to let project managers what to plan for.
  • Providing dates for material deliveries.
  • Monitoring the progress of work activities as well as those of subcontractors and suppliers.
  • Providing subcontractors and suppliers with schedules at the time of the tender and contract sign-off prevents misunderstandings and disputes down the track.
  • Allowing for planning what resources you need where and when. The last thing you need is too many or too few people on the job to get it done on time.
  • Providing valuable feedback about how the construction project is proceeding. It is easy to see when a project is slipping the schedule. This give you the chance to take action by bringing in extra resources or working overtime to make up the time.

    Lean construction project scheduling is a tool a project manager uses to systematically manage all parts of a construction project. This includes assigning the relevant skilled human resources to get the work done. The schedule can be regularly reviewed using a good task software to check actual outcomes against the plan.
    There is no room for mistakes in lean construction scheduling. Mistakes cost time, money and your reputation. Using good planning strategies and software will keep your construction projects on track.
Lean construction scheduling

Monday 4 September 2017

Risk assessment template for construction

Original Source: Generic risk assessment template for construction

Employers are responsible for workplace health and safety. All construction companies must have a workplace health and safety policy that outlines the its commitment to workplace safety.
Construction businesses need to complete a risk assessment template to identify and manage workplace risks. There are inherent risks with all construction projects that threaten those who work in construction. These risks can also damage your reputation and profit margins. Having a construction risk assessment template helps keep construction risks under control. Here are some things you need to consider when compiling a risk assessment template.

Workplace health and safety policy

Organizations must show a commitment to working within the Health and Welfare rules to ensure: workers complete all workplace activities in accordance with policies and procedures, the relevant people update the Safety Statement regularly and communicate the results, the organization implements and maintains all protective and preventive measures identified , the organization prevents behaviour likely to endanger others, employees have safe plant and equipment and work systems in the workplace, emergency plans are in place, well communicated and updated as required. Where it is not possible to eliminate hazards, minimize them using safety procedures and personal protective equipment, ensuring there is always safe entry and exits to the workplace. Also to ensure employees store hazardous goods and chemicals correctly to prevent injury to those in the workplace.

What is a risk assessment template?

  • A construction risk assessment template is where an organisation records its evaluation of workplace risks. It systematically evaluates all workplace risks by looking at:
  • what can cause harm to workers?
  • can you eliminate the risk?
  • if not – what can you do to minimize and control the risks?
Keep in mind that:
  • Hazards can be anything – materials, equipment, behavior in the workplace and work practices.
  • The risk is how likely is the hazard to harm someone.
Assessing risks
How to assess workplace risks can be broken into five basic steps:
  1. Identify hazards and who is at risk. Look for things that can cause harm in the workplace and who it has the potential to affect.
  2. Evaluate and prioritize risks. Estimate the severity and probability of each risk and prioritize them in order of importance.
  3. Decide on preventive action. Identify appropriate actions and procedures to eliminate or minimize each risk.
  4. Taking action. Take action by putting in place preventive and protective measures in a plan that prioritizes the risks. It is unlikely you can resolve everything immediately. Specify what actions are taken by who and by when.
  5. Monitor and review. Monitor and review the risk assessment template on a regular basis. In construction, risks can change a lot and often. You may need risk assessments as a record of your commitment to workplace health and safety if there are problems in the future.
Roles and responsibilities
The key role of a risk assessment is set out in the relevant legislation. Employers have a general duty of care towards the safety of all their workers. They must put policies and procedures in place to protect the health and safety of staff members. These obligations include:
  • preventing occupational risks
  • providing adequate ongoing training and information to all workers
  • ensuring adequate measures are put in place to mitigate workplace risks.
Health and safety in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility including employers, workers and contractors.
Employer’s responsibilities
Employer’s responsibilities include:
  • preventing behaviour that puts other workers at risk
  • managing work activities so there are no adverse health or safety effects on workers
  • providing a safe workplace
  • being proactive in preventing risks to employees
  • providing training, information, tools and supervision at the appropriate level for the skills of workers
  • providing appropriate personal protective clothing and training on when and how to use it
  • providing and maintaining welfare facilities such as a medical room equipped with a trained person.
Employee’s responsibilities
An employee’s responsibilities include:
  • complying with workplace policies and procedures and reporting unsafe practices, procedures and equipment
  • taking responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of others
  • cooperating with workplace policies and procedures
  • reporting any hazards, injuries, near misses, accidents or incidents in the appropriate manner
  • using the personal protective equipment provided in the appropriate manner and situations
  • attend the training required
  • behaving in a professional manner and in a way that will not put yourself or others at risk in the workplace
  • not coming to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
 Contractor’s responsibilities
Construction sites have contractors working on site. Their responsibilities include:
  • providing all employees with site-specific health and safety instructions and induction
  • identifying hazards, eliminating them and reducing the risks on a constructions site
  • monitoring employee compliance and take relevant action where required
  • working in a safe manner to protect themselves and others from harm.
Risk assessment templates are complex and these are just a few things to take into account. There is no room for complacency on a construction site. Get good quality software to help keep track of your risk management plan.